The Ladies' Tea Guild

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Jane Austen on PBS tonight!

image from
It seems that PBS is replaying the Masterpiece Classic Jane Austen series this year! According to the website, Persuasion will be broadcast tonight at 8 p.m. on KTEH, which is on Channel 9 and 54 in my area.

This will be the new (2008) adaptation with Sally Hawkins as Anne Elliott. Here is the web page for this adaptation:

It's really warm inside right now -- we don't have A.C. -- so I will have the windows open to catch the breezes, and a glass of iced tea at my side, as I watch this tonight!

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Now stir the fire, and close the shutters fast,
Let fall the curtains, wheel the sofa round,
And, while the bubbling and loud-hissing urn
Throws up a steamy column, and the cups
That cheer but not inebriate, wait on each,
So let us welcome peaceful evening in.
-- William Cowper (1731-1800)
"The Winter Evening" (Book Four), _The Task_ (1784)